dinsdag 12 april 2011

Zou het dan echt?????

Gebeuren dat de NVB " eieren voor hun geld" gekozen hebben?
Dit stond vandaag in de De Telegraaf

4 opmerkingen:

Traveller zei

Op de laatste Radar werd er gezegd dat de betrokken partije weer om tafel gingen zitten. Blijkt maar weer... met media aandacht krijg je veel gedaan.


LP zei

You are damn right about that, Ry. BTW Andy, I wish I could afford your house... and that it was on the other side of the country! Looks amazingly large!

TravelAndy2..... zei

Les it looks bigger then it really is! When we bought the bungalow 8 years ago it was much smaller. We made it bigger by adding a conservatory witch is now our livingroom. If this house would stand in your part of the country you would pay much more because living in the Randstad is much more expensive, but you already know this..

LP zei

Sigh... yeah I know. But a dude can dream.....